Stock Information



Stock Information

10/22/2024 4:00 PM (Data provided by Investis. Minimum 15 minute delay.)


Price $6.05 -0.17 (-2.73%)

Day High $6.24
52 Week High $9.00
Day Low $6.04
52 Week Low $5.43
Volume 1.29M
Market Cap $711.37M


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Closing Price
${{ priceInfo.Last | number : 2 }}
{{ priceInfo.Volume | number }}
${{ priceInfo.Open | number : 2 }}
Day High
${{ priceInfo.High | number : 2 }}
Day Low
${{ priceInfo.Low | number : 2 }}

NOTE: The Closing Price, Day's High, Day's Low, and Day's Volume have been adjusted to account for any stock splits and/or dividends which may have occurred for this security since the date shown above. The Actual Price is not adjusted for splits or dividends. The Split Adjustment Factor is a cumulative factor which encapsulates all splits since the date shown above.

The closing price above is not necessarily indicative of future price performance.

1 Mth

3 Mth

6 Mth

1 Yr

10 Yr


Bank of America
John Murphy
BNP Paribas Exane
James Picariello
Itay Michaeli
Deutsche Bank
Emmanuel Rosner
JP Morgan
Ryan Brinkman
Morgan Stanley
Adam Jonas
RBC Capital Markets
Joseph Spak
Wolfe Research
Rod Lache
American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. is followed by the analysts listed above. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc.'s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. or its management. American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.